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Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

This workshop is aimed at programmers and software developers who already know the basics of programming, and who now want to improve their skills in object-oriented programming. Applying the techniques of OOP will vastly improve productivity in the process and quality of the product.

This training is available for C#, Java, and Delphi. It is is designed in a workshop format for small groups, held at your location. The content can be tailored to your needs. The course language is German or English.

Dr. Andreas Mertgen has many years of experience in object-oriented software development - with an emphasis on clean code - as well as in teaching at Technical University of Berlin.

Workshop Agenda

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Classes and Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Abstraction, Overriding and Dynamic Dispatch
  • Encapsulation
  • Interfaces


  • Typing and Type Systems
  • Polymorphism
  • Generics
  • Memory Management and Garbage Collection
  • Exceptions and Debugging
  • Unit-Testing


  • Principles of Object-Oriented Design
  • Modularization
  • Reuse
  • Design Patterns
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